The Friends of Moraine Hills State Park
Volunteers Honored for Volo Bog State Natural Area, Moraine Hills State Park & McHenry Dam
On Thursday, December 8, Illinois Department of Natural Resources staff honored 124 volunteers who donated their services to Volo Bog State Natural Area, Moraine Hills State Park and McHenry Dam in 2016. Together they contributed almost 6000 hours to these Illinois Department of Natural Resources sites!
Special Recognition was given to Caryn McAndrews of Woodstock and Steve Domski of McHenry as Volunteers of the Year at Volo Bog State Natural Area and Moraine Hills State Park/McHenry Dam respectively

Steve Domski of McHenry was awarded Volunteer of the Year for Moraine Hills State
Park & McHenry Dam. He is a lead player in the Volunteer Veterans Conservation Corps at Moraine Hills State Park, McHenry Dam and Volo Bog State Natural Area. The VVCC built over 100 new bird houses for the sites and most recently completed construction of a new information kiosk for MHSP’s Whitetail Prairie picnic area. This winter, the VVCC will be making another new Kiosk – this one for the walk-in entrance to Moraine Hills State Park along River Road
across from Miller Road. Steve is also an integral member of the Run for the Hills steering committee,the Friends of Moraine Hills State Park’s major fund raiser each year. Winter visitors will find Steve filling the site’s bird feeders, then in spring and fall will find him serving as a docent in the Nature Center. Steve also assists with special events including International Migratory Bird Days, the FOMHSP Family Fishing Day and Discovery Archery. Steve serves on the Friends of Moraine Hills State Park Board of Directors. All these tasks add up with Steve contributing
The awards dinner was celebrated with a gathering of family and friends and, of course, a delicious potluck supper. The photos below are a sampling of the folks and feast.